
Den Danske Klosterrute / Der Dänische Klosterweg

English summary:
“Den Danske Klosterrute” (“The Danish Monastic Route”) is a tourist and pilgrimage hiking route through Denmark with a thematic focus on church, art, history and nature.
The route connects about 50 middle-age monastery locations.
Where possible it also includes historical roads and local pilgrimage destinations.
The route is not separately marked on the landscape, but partly follows other marked paths.
It is accessible on bicycle as well.
A guidebook series is planned under the common name “Den Danske Klosterrute” (Danish text, maps 1:50.000) from the publishing houses Unitas, Copenhagen (vol. 1-6) and Eksistensen, Copenhagen (vol. 7 -), www.Eksistensen.dk. 
So far, nine volumes have been released, guiding the reader through

1. The Danish-German borderlands up to the town of Ribe and along the southwest Jutland coastal mudflats (2. ed. 2007),
2. Jutland from Ribe to Viborg, including the ancient track ”Hærvejen” and the lake highlands around Silkeborg (2007),
3. Zealand from Helsingør (Elsinore) to Slangerup (2010),
4. Zealand from Slangerup to Roskilde (2010),
5. Zealand from Roskilde to Slagelse (2012),
6. Zealand from Slagelse to Vordingborg (2012).
7. Funen, with Langeland, Tåsinge, Thurø and Ærø (2015)
8. Lolland-Falster (2017)
9. Jutland from Viborg to Aalborg – including the Birgitta Route (2017)
10. Jutland from Aalborg to Frederikshavn (2020)